Thursday, May 15, 2014

How to Flirt (As a Woman!)

Now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for….FLIRTING!

You’ve honed in on your target, you’ve broken the barrier and began talking to her. What are you supposed to say and do?!

As a girl, this was my forte. If I could’ve majored in flirting I would have. Alas, they don’t have majors like that yet so I had to go with something else. But let me pass on my wisdom to you and maybe it’ll help you be less awkward in these kinds of situations. Keep in mind that these ideas will only work if you have the confidence and courage to carry them out – that’s the problem I see with most girls who are having trouble flirting. Lack of confidence. If you don’t have any confidence, who cares? Fake it til you make it.

One of the keys, people, is to not be overeager in your advances. You want to show SOME interest, but not make yourself too easy. Most people like a bit of a challenge. They want to work for your attention and affection. That doesn’t mean don’t give it to them, just be slow and selective as to when you show it. A little bit keeps them coming back. Too much and you scare them away. Here I’ll help you determine the difference.

How to flirt (For Women!):

Do: Smile, even if you’re not interested.
Don’t: Smile like you want to eat him

Do: Very occasionally touch his elbow or knee as you’re speaking to him
Don’t: Hang all over him. You want to get his attention, not act like you’re passing out. That will annoy most guys.

Do: Let him catch you checking him out. Guys like their egos to be stroked. But don’t do this more than once. You don’t want to be overeager.  
Don’t: Constantly stare. And wipe that drool off your face.

Do: Look your interest in the eye
Don’t: Stare at your feet. Or worse, at another guy.

Do: Use welcoming body language.
Don’t: Fold your arms, turn your body away from your partner, CHECK YOUR PHONE.

That was so important I’m going to say it again. With this technology ridden society the quickest way to kill a flirting session is to check your phone. DO NOT CHECK YOUR PHONE, even to check the time, while someone is flirting with you. What a buzzkill.

Do: Laugh softly at his dumb jokes. You know he’s going to make them. Again, stroke his ego.
Don’t: Roll your eyes. Or laugh WAY too loud than the situation called for.

Do: Tease.
Don’t: Bully him.

Do: Be kind and polite, even if you’re not interested. It took a lot of courage for him to come and talk to you. You don’t want to crush him.
Don’t: Be abrasive and rude. Or assume he wants to ask you out. He might just be coming over to grab a napkin from behind you.

Guys talk too, and if you’re mean to a guy you’re not interested in because he pursued you, you’re going to get a reputation as the office….jerk….and that’s hard to come back from. Be kind. Always be kind.